The new that convinces

The #Season2024 opens in the name of surprise!

Tabbert amazes with the presentation of the new Senara, a series with captivating features that recall the automotive world with a restyling to be discovered on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the historic manufacturer.

Starting with the logo, which has been redesigned for the occasion, Senara retraces the fundamental stages of the brand's evolution, emphasizing the elegance and quality that have revolutionized the European luxury caravanning market.

Furthermore, the Pantiga series, presented at the beginning of the past year, is completed with three new fresh and innovative layouts that guarantee satisfaction for every need.

These novelties launch the season towards a way of conceiving the caravan that adapts to the most sophisticated trends, the most refined tastes and the most sought-after details, all synonymous with a single word: Tabbert!

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